Instructions for linking these images
There are now two image files for each webcam:
webcampic.php and
...and for the lebec webcam:
insidewebcampic.php and
...and for the lake of the woods webcam:
lowwebcampic.php and
These instructions apply to all webcams; just use the appropriate filenames...
current.jpg is exactly what it sounds like; the current image as a jpg file.
This is for webcam hosts (like wunderground) that MUST have a single standard image file
for webcam approval.
The prefered method is the php file, as it offers more control.
This allows us to send switches to the image using standard html GET protocol.
The 3 possible switches are 'id', 'wm', 'size', and 'q'.
The 'id' will control the freshness of the image, with possible values being
1 to n, 1 being the freshest (most recent) image, n being the oldest (we're storing many images right now).
The 'wm' switch turns the watermark on and off: 1 = on, anything else = off.
'size' changes the actual rendered image size using php's GD library. Possible values are:
xs = 320x240, s = 640x480, m = 800x600, w = a cropped wide aspect image of 600x300, f/anything else = full size image.
The 'q' switch indicates jpeg compression quality out of 100, 100 being highest.
The defaults are the freshest image and no watermark at 100/100 quality and full size. The camera SHOULD be pushing 1600x1200 jpegs or better to the server...
- -- Freshest image, no watermark, and 100/100 quality (same as default)
- ...webcampic.php?id=4&wm=1&q=75 -- Approx 1hr old image, with watermark, and 75/100 quality
- ...webcampic.php?id=6&wm=1q=90 -- Older image, with watermark, and 90/100 quality
House Cam | Lebec Cam | L.O.W. Cam |