Crypto Currency Prices

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Bitcoin Price

f(x) = 565322079306.9 + 649.7x - 2.0E-7x^2
R Squared : 0.88796887482413
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 53596356.578075 - 0.030742x
short term R Squared : 0.77174457480018
short term Slope : -0.0307

Ethereum Price

f(x) = 32517098091.3 - 37.4x + 1.0E-8x^2
R Squared : 0.45348654811333
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 873822.929546 - 0.0005x
short term R Squared : 0.10991867709109
short term Slope : -0.0005

Litecoin Price

f(x) = 3501023325.3 - 4x + 1.0E-9x^2
R Squared : 0.59910963956192
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 65903.202343 + 3.8E-5x
short term R Squared : 0.10980387212969
short term Slope : 0

Bitcoin Cash Price

f(x) = 4770207562.8 + 5.5x - 2.0E-9x^2
R Squared : 0.62053947244225
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 449577.45377 - 0.000258x
short term R Squared : 0.89988985491972
short term Slope : -0.0003