Crypto Currency Prices

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Bitcoin Price

f(x) = 5950686356.2 - 6.9x + 2.0E-9x^2
R Squared : 0.14575772011852
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 25924759.828095 + 0.014982x
short term R Squared : 0.71243746543727
short term Slope : 0.015

Ethereum Price

f(x) = 186723574.7 + 0.2x - 1.0E-10x^2
R Squared : 0.13438506471051
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 442339.07827 + 0.000257x
short term R Squared : 0.24204012709609
short term Slope : 0.0003

Litecoin Price

f(x) = 9032897.3 - 0.01x + 0x^2
R Squared : 0.18866624441069
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 83093.452637 + 4.8E-5x
short term R Squared : 0.50902378379459
short term Slope : 0

Bitcoin Cash Price

f(x) = 3016418 - 0.003x + 0x^2
R Squared : 0.0060814675601054
Short term trend using last 25% of data
short term f(x) = 103631.961712 + 6.0E-5x
short term R Squared : 0.3574964561547
short term Slope : 0.0001